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na forumu dijaki, profesorji, varuhi in vsi ostali zaposleni volijo moroja, dampirja in predstavnika ostalega kolektiva (profesorji, varuhi) tedna! ta teden dd/mm/yy ti častni nazivi pripadajo moroju/ki name, dampirju/ki name in predstavniku kolektiva name.


 fm: dorm 005

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mrs. andersen
mrs. andersen

Female Število prispevkov : 179
Reputation : 0
Join date : 23/04/2014
Kraj : montana

fm: dorm 005 Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: fm: dorm 005   fm: dorm 005 EmptyNed Jun 01, 2014 7:49 pm

fm: dorm 005 Chambre-enfant-poetique_w641h478

Nazadnje urejal/a mrs. andersen Pon Jun 02, 2014 8:19 pm; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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saoirse badica
royal moroi
royal moroi
saoirse badica

Female Število prispevkov : 51
Reputation : 4
Join date : 01/06/2014

fm: dorm 005 Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: fm: dorm 005   fm: dorm 005 EmptyPon Jun 02, 2014 6:20 pm

saoirse was drunk. again. like many nights before and it seemed that there will be many nights in the future like this too. loud music of the party was filling her ears and she enjoyed while whiskey was pouring down her thorat. "yeah!" she screamed and started to jump in rythm of music, coming from many speakers in some room, she found herself into. many people on school got drunk. but she doubt that there's anyone that would be drunk so much as she was. constantly, every day. she was a lost case, everyone knew that. even saoirse herself. and she knew what her mother would think if she would see her right now. but right, she doesn't have a mother anymore. and that fact made her pure even more liquid into her mouth. and than before she even knew, she dound herself under some boy's body, having a make out session. she slightly moaned and dropped the bottle on the floor. she should probably worry about where this was leading to. but she didn't. saoirse didn't worry about anything anymore. it was a lost world for her. lost life. she probably wouldn't even mind dying. but right now she was ready to enjoy the evening. she just wanted to pull unknown boy's shirt off, when he wasn't on top of her anymore. wait, what? she opened her eyes and instead of a boy, faced angrily-looking girl. leonie dragomir. girl was facing her with celar disgust or whatever, but saoirse just rolled her eyes. "you are ruining my party leonie." she said in anoyannce and pulled herself up.

for leonie // please don't mind my horrible english :s
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leonie dragomir
royal moroi
royal moroi
leonie dragomir

Female Število prispevkov : 147
Reputation : 40
Join date : 27/05/2014

fm: dorm 005 Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: fm: dorm 005   fm: dorm 005 EmptyTor Jun 03, 2014 7:24 pm

parties. wild, crazy, sweaty parties. with alcohol spilled as much on the floor as in the minds of reckless teenagers. she sometimes wanted to be like them: spontaneous and just freely young, but soon, she realized that this was just simply not for her. she never regret, that she was consuming the smallest amounts of alcohol possible, because she just couldn't imagine what would happen if she would loose control over her body. she would use spirit, she was sure about that - and the effect that this would leave on other people didn't really scare her. they were the consequences that it would leave it on her that scared her the most.
and as she heard noisy voices she just wanted to ignore them as she did usually. but not this time. she sensed an aura there that she didn't sense in a long time - saoirse. and she was not acting like herself. leonie felt like she just had to help her like she used to. and even though her friend was pushing her away she was just sure she would never hive up on her. she simply couldn't. "sao, you're going home," she said with a serious voice when she pushed a guy away from her and pulled her up. "just... please, don't fight me right now."

oh no, it's quite amazing actually!
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saoirse badica
royal moroi
royal moroi
saoirse badica

Female Število prispevkov : 51
Reputation : 4
Join date : 01/06/2014

fm: dorm 005 Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: fm: dorm 005   fm: dorm 005 EmptyČet Jun 05, 2014 3:46 pm

she raised her brow at her so called friend. she could see that coming actually. little miss innocent came everytime she tought sao was in trouble and dragged her in her bed, arguing with her about her behavior. but leonie just didn't understand. she was far to uptight, to understand how fun life can be. and because she didn't want to drop a fight they fought every time, leo noticed her on some party, sao just simply went with ignoring. she took a step away from the girl and looked for her bottle on the floor. luckily there was still some whiskey in it. "don't be such a bossy ass leonie. just because your mother is a queen, doesn't mean everyone should listen to you." it was a mean thing to say. she, from all the people, should know that. and the old saoirse never would. but the new drunk saoirse just didn't care. "make me. oh, yes, you can't." she faked a smile to leonie and turned away, determined to get away from her. but as drunk as she was, she tripped on her own legs and fell. "ouch." she said with a grumpy expression on her face.

for leonie // well thank you very much(:
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leonie dragomir
royal moroi
royal moroi
leonie dragomir

Female Število prispevkov : 147
Reputation : 40
Join date : 27/05/2014

fm: dorm 005 Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: fm: dorm 005   fm: dorm 005 EmptyNed Jun 08, 2014 11:11 am

she wanted just the best for her. and here she was, motherly as always, taking care of her even when she might not need her at all. what she didn't realize was that leo might need and miss her more then she did her. sao ignored her, of course she did, but it would take a lot more for brown head to quit. "i don't want you to treat me as a princess, saoirse. i just want you to realize that i'm not doing this for myself," she tried to explain as well as she could, but in that moment, it felt like mission impossible. "and my opinion used to count for you. sometimes i feel like i don't know you anymore," she said calmly, as she approached her again.
ans then sao remembered her exactly why she doesn't drink. she tripped over herself and fell, in the obvious attempt to get rid of leonie. she ran towards her and checked if she was bleeding. "see? you're going to hurt yourself. and you don't want that, do you?" she was acting like the girl was dying, but maybe it wasn't so far from reality. she drank more in one day than leo did in her whole life. "your room isn't far." she wanted to help her to stand up, but sao didn't show any interest of doing that. and yet, leonie wasn't a quitter. not now, not for her friend. "i miss you sometimes."
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